Friday, August 6, 2010

Update 2

Hello all,
John & Heather want to thank you all again for your continued prayer. They're getting very little sleep however & Heather is still dealing with the physical part of her accident too. They don't want to leave the hospital but this is quite taxing on them physically & emotionally.

Micah has had a rough last 24 hours. He's become restless & last night his heart rate went way up. It's a bit better now but the doctors will not let anyone, aside of his parents in the room with him. He MUST have absolute rest in order to stabilize. They removed the drainage "port" from his head but needed to place it again. This required an additional surgery that the Andrews would have rather avoided. The MRI results are back & the preliminary findings indicate his brain is OK but obviously they'll need to evaluate that further once he's alert. They're still keeping him heavily sedated. The MRI did reveal significant damage to Micah's spine, specifically in the neck area. He requires surgery to permanently place "pins" but they won't operate until he's stabilized. The placement of the "pins" should allow him to have full mobility as he grows but he likely won't be able to play contact sports. The docs are still concerned about his liver because there is bleeding present but they're hopeful & said "the liver is resilient." It seems the focus is on his spine right now.

Please continue to pray for the whole family. So many of you have stepped up to offer help & the outpouring of love is such a blessing. You all glorify God in doing this and it's meaningful beyond words. That said prayer is the NUMBER ONE thing they need right now. Please pray specifically for Micah's healing, his parents rest, their strength, the peace of the Lord & His will, above all else.

Once again, I'll continue to update you all as I have more info but call me if you need anything.

Thank you all so much. May our Lord bless you and comfort you through this time!

David Mendel

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